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  • Writer's pictureCoach Rob


Challengers!  Another great week!

Here are the scores for week 3:

Team #8: 261

Team #6: 243.5

Team #10: 210

Team #1: 209

Team #2: 199

Team #3: 192

Team #5: 191

Team #9: 145.5

Team #7: 156

Team #4: ?

Here are the overall scores with all 3 weeks combined.

Team #8: 554

Team #6: 537

Team #1: 494

Team #10: 480

Team #2: 472

Team #5: 469

Team #3: 457

Team #7: 420

Team #9: 402.5

Team #4: ?

No matter where your team stands, let's all finish strong together!


"Strength does not come from the body. It comes from the will. As you approach the finish line, let your determination be the fire that propels you forward. Finish strong, for it is in the final steps that greatness is defined.” -Author unknown

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