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  • Writer's pictureCoach Rob

The Closing of the Open!

Come Celebrate the end of the 2022 Open! This Friday from 4:30-7ish we will be having a Closing of the Open Celebration!

The Plan:

WOD - There will, of course, be a workout of sorts! Remember how the Open was lacking any kind of heavy lifting? You will get your chance Friday! The workout that evening will be the Crossfit Total....this is finding a 1RM for the day in your Back Squat, Dead Lift and Strict Press. You add those three together and you have your CrossFit Total! And, if you want to go crazy, you can go after max's in your Snatch and C&J. Fun!

Food - Feel free to bring some kind of food, snack, treat to share.

Friends/Family - Your Friends and Family are welcome and bring them!

Casual - We are putting this together last don't sweat the small stuff. This is meant to be a bit of casual fun. You don't have to stay the entire time. You don't have to be on time. You don't have to bring food. But, you do have to have fun. We can watch some people get new PR's, move some weight and we can all enjoy each other's company.

See you there!!

BTW - At least four of our Elevated CrossFit members qualified to move on to the next stage of competition. Keep an eye out for that announcement!

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