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  • Writer's pictureCoach Rob

READ ME! CrossFit Open 2022 Starts Thursday!

In case you've been hiding under a rock, the Open starts this Thursday. So, hurry and get registered (online at It is going to be fun!

We are putting together some things to make it even more fun for everyone this, throw your name in the hat.

We will be splitting those that register into 4 teams. This week extra points towards your team's score will be given for the following:

Sleep - 5 points for - 7+ hours of sleep every night this week leading up to Thursday

This begins Sunday night, so get on it and be consistent.

Daytime naps count towards your 7+ hour total

Working Out - 5 points for - participating in 3 class WOD's at Elevated prior to Friday

So, sleep, work out and get ready for the Open. More details will follow along with a list of team members for each team.

See you there!!

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