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  • Writer's pictureCoach Rob



Over the next week or so, we will be cleaning out clothing items from the cubes that are just inside the front door. These are not for overnight/weeklong/monthlong/yearlong storage of clothing. These are for daily use so when you walk in the door you have somewhere to put your stuff.

We will gather clothing and items that appear abandoned and put them in a box. Anything that is not picked up over the next few weeks will be donated to the Deseret Industries.

So, if you have clothing items in the cubes or other things that you desire to keep, please take them home with you after your next class.

We are happy to provide the cubes as a place to stash your stuff when you come in, but they are not meant for storage.


The lockers are available on a first come first serve basis. Most of them have been claimed. These are for storage of personal items like jump ropes, knee sleeves, weight vests, etc. Like the cubes, these should not be used for storage of clothing or other junk. We will be cleaning out any lockers that appear unused or are just full of junk and disposing of those items in the same manner as the cubes. If you have a locker, please ensure it is taken care of (not full of junk) and is reasonably tidy.

Please keep the exterior of your lockers clean with a minimal amount of stickers/identification. We don't want the lockers to be the diary of every national park, ski resort, country, clothing brand, etc. that people have ever come across or traveled to. Keep those stickers on your crossover:)

Thank you in advance!

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