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  • Coach Rob

Blown Away!

The 2018 CrossFit Open is drawing to a close. Two trains of thought are running through my head..."What a relief!" and "How Sad".

I am relieved. We can all move our focus back to regular training. The ultimate end goal being to stay out of the nursing live full, healthy, active lives enjoying time with family and friends.

I am sad. I look forward to the Open as soon as it ends. I like the competitive spirit that comes out of people. I love seeing people achieve new goals, do movements that have eluded them for the first time. Nothing makes me happier than seeing the joy on your faces when you do something for the first time, or achieve a new PR, or are proud of the workout you just performed. The Open has a way of challenging each of us to bring out the best.

I am so proud of each of our athletes. I saw every one of you push harder, go faster, lift more and achieve more than you thought you could. I saw 1st time muscle-up, 1st time CTB Pull-ups, 1st time Double Unders, etc, etc. I saw you cheer your fellow athletes and friends on, pushing them to new heights. I saw the comraderie and friendships you gained. We all did this together. Our Elevated CrossFit family is great and it is a pleasure to be able to spend time with and associate with each of you.

Looking forward. Where do we go from here? We have all learned lessons about ourselves. We are better than we thought we were. Whether we are just in it for the daily workout, preparing for the next Spartan or to try to someday make it to the Games, we can all remember that we can achieve. YOU are great! Move forward with dedication to consistency and discipline. You inspire me! Keep up the good work!

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