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  • Writer's pictureCoach Rob

WOD for Monday 180219


“Iron Lung” Part #1 AMRAP 4: 27 Calorie Row

27 Wallballs (20/14)

27 CTB Pull-Ups

Rest 4:00

“Iron Lung” Part #2 AMRAP 4: 21 Calorie Row

21 Wallballs (20/14)

21 TTB

Rest 4:00

“Iron Lung” Part #3 AMRAP 4: 15 Calorie Row

15 Wallballs (20/14)

15 Pull-Ups 

The first week of the Open is upon us! Thursday night 18.1 will be announced. Friday’s, over the next five weeks, we will be doing the Open WOD as our workout that day.  Saturday’s can serve as  a back-up if you miss Friday.  

Our plan is to have as many as possible do the Open WOD with us during the 5:30 and 6:30 Friday night sessions.  This is a good time and an  invite to bring your family and friends to support you, cheer you on and watch you get after it.

If you aren’t signed up yet, get on it.  If you are wondering why you on from the CrossFit website:

The Open is the great annual celebration of CrossFit. It’s accessible to everyone on Earth, and it showcases the scalability of a program that cures chronic disease even more readily than it produces amazing athletes. In the Open, we care about feelings and smiles and modifications. We revere the injured person who did just one rep to be part of the event, and we glorify the Average Joes and Janes who want to prove they’re fitter than last year. We wear stupid hats to earn points in intramural competitions, we cheer each other on, and we become healthier even if we sometimes go out for beers and complain about the burpees Dave Castro threw at us. The Open really is a glorious thing. You can almost feel the momentum as 14,000 gyms and hundreds of thousands of people unite for five weeks of fitness, team spirit, PRs, smiles and fun. As gym owners and trainers, we care a great deal about the size of that wave because each person who registers for the Open is one more person who understands that CrossFit is an infinitely scalable program that’s appropriate for everyone. As a community, we want huge participation numbers more than we want huge scores. We want everyone to join us, not in competition but in celebration. Sure, a select few of us will make it to Regionals, but for 99.9 percent of us, it doesn’t matter that the Open is the first step in the road to the Games. THE OPEN ISN’T ABOUT QUALIFICATION. IT’S ABOUT PARTICIPATION.

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