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Writer's pictureCoach Rob

WOD for Wednesday 220629


5 Rounds for time:

20/16 Calorie Row OR 16/12 Echo

20 V-ups Or 20 GHD Sit-ups Or 30 AbMat Sit-ups


Wall Balls (20/14)



3 rounds

10 Toes To Bar

10 Squat Cleans (95/65)

-Time cap: 5 minutes-

3 rounds

10 Toes To Bar

8 Squat Cleans (115/85)

-Time cap: 10 minutes-

3 rounds

10 Toes To Bar

6 Squat Cleans (155/115)

-Time cap: 15 minutes-

3 rounds

10 Toes To Bar

4 Squat Cleans (185/135)

*if you get the work done under the time cap for each couplet, immediately move onto the next. If you get caught by the time cap your score is reps total when caught. If you get caught by the time cap, note your score and continue until overall 20 minute time-cap is reached. If you finish the workout then your score is time.

STRENGTH - Front Squats + Jerks

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