“Small arms fire and RPGs”
Teams of 2
20-16-12-8 bench press 135/75
8-6-4-2 wall walks
3 rounds
40/30 bike cals
2 rope climbs or 8 Ring Rows
75 double unders each
3 rounds
60 AbMAt Sit-ups
8 C&J 135/95
(Or grab another pair and do 4 worm clean and jerks)
100 air squats
1000m row
100 air squats
6:30 am
40-30-20-10 bench press 145/85
10-8-6-4 wall walks
4 rounds
50/35 bike cals
4 rope climbs
75 double unders each
4 rounds
40 GHD
8 c&j 185/145
(Or grab another pair and do 4 worm clean and jerks)
200 air squats
2000m row
200 air squats