8:30 am class
Teams of 2
24/19 Echo/B-sit OR 400m burden run together (vests or grab a 25/15lb object) into:
3 rounds
20 Wallballs 20/16
45 AbMAt or 30 GHD
24/19 Echo/B-sit OR 400m burden run
3 rounds
16 Wallballs
20 Pull-ups
24/19 Echo/B-sit OR 400m burden run
3 rounds
12 Wallballs
20 Ring Rows
24/19 Echo/B-sit OR 400m burden run
3 rounds
8 Wallballs
6 power snatches 135/95
Teams of 2
24/19 Echo/B-sit OR 400m burden run together (vests or grab a 25/15lb object) into:
4 rounds
20 Wallballs 30/20
30 GHD
24/19 Echo/B-sit OR 400m burden run
4 rounds
16 Wallballs
20 Chest to Bar pull-ups
24/19 Echo/B-sit OR 400m burden run
4 rounds
12 Wallballs
10 BMU or something fun
24/19 Echo/B-sit OR 400m burden run
4 rounds
8 Wallballs
6 power snatches 155/115