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  • Writer's pictureCoach Rob

WOD for Saturday 220903


In Teams of 2

6:30 am *Comp Class

800m run (with partner)

10 Cleans 185/115

600m run (with partner)

8 Cleans 205/135

400m run (with partner)

6 Cleans 225/155

200m run (with partner)

4 Cleans 255/175

10 Rope Climbs

100 Cal Echo Bike

10 Rope Climbs

100 Cal Echo Bike

4 Rounds

40 Toes-to-bar

20 Burpee Box Get Overs 48/40"

40 Wallballs 30/20

8:30 am **CrossFit Class

800m run (with partner)

10 Cleans 115/75

600m run (with partner)

8 Cleans 135/95

400m run (with partner)

6 Cleans 155/105

200m run (with partner)

4 Cleans 175/125

10 Rope Climbs

60 Cal Echo Bike

10 Rope Climbs

60 Cal Echo Bike

4 Rounds

30 Toes-to-bar

20 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20"

30 Wallballs 20/14

*Comp Class is a less coached option for athletes who are familiar and comfortable with most Crossfit movements. This class will typically have heavier weights, longer WOD's and more complex movements than our regular classes. Doors will open by 6:30 a.m. and athletes will be allowed 1/2 an hour to warm-up, stretch and get ready for the WOD on their own. The WOD explanation will begin by 7with the WOD beginning shortly thereafter. Athletes should be ready to go by 7 a.m.

**CrossFit Class is your typical CrossFit style class with a coach warming up, leading through skill instruction and demonstration and being available for all parts of the WOD.

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