8:30 Class
“Team Deathmatch”
In Teams of Two:
3 sets
3 min max cal bike
200ft plate pinch carry 25/15 (have to do 50 ft unbroken before switching)
100ft single DB OH walking lunge 50/35
3 sets
3 min max cal row
10 wall walks
40 pull-ups/ring rows
3 sets
3 min max double/single unders or bike/row
10 squat snatches 95/65
50 push-ups
6:30 Comp Class
“Team Deathmatch”
In Teams of Two:
3 sets
3 min max cal bike
200ft plate pinch carry 25/15 (have to do 50 ft unbroken before switching)
100ft single DB OH walking lunge 70/50
3 sets
3 min max cal row
10 wall walks
40 pull-ups
3 sets
3 min max double unders or bike/row
10 squat snatches 135/95
50 push-ups