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WOD for Monday 221114

Coach Michelle

2 Things-

SQUAT CYCLE - We are in week 12 of the 14 week squat cycle....this week we will be establishing a 1 rep max on our front squats! Come ready to move some weight!

REMEMBER - CrossFit is about relative intensity. What is intense to one person may not be for another. We expect you to scale so you can meet the intended stimulus. Every workout is intended to be scalable, and most doing the workouts do and should scale. We are here to help you find movements/weights that are scaled to your specific needs. If you have questions or need help with this, please ask your coach.



2 Sets

2 Rounds

50’ Front Rack Walking Lunge (2x35/20)

50 Double Unders or 90 Singles

5 Wall Walks

50 Double Unders or 90 Singles

-Rest 3 minutes between sets-



2 Sets

2 Rounds

50’ Front Rack Walking Lunge (2x50/35)

50 Double Unders

50’ Handstand Walk

50 Double Unders

-Rest 3 minutes b/t sets-


Squats! 1 Rep Max day for front squats!!!

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