As we deal with the worldwide crisis surrounding COVD-19 please help by doing the following:
1- Wash hands religiously...scrub with soap and water for :20 before and after you work out
2- Stay away from the gym if you have any symptoms or are immuno-comprimised. 3- Maintain recommended social distance of greater than 6’
4- Don’t panic or stress. Level headed planned out action brings order to chaos
5- Lastly - Please help us spread class loads out by using the signup at the following link:!/showSignUp/4090c4eadaa2fa4fb6-group
If you are planning on coming to a particular class and it looks full, and you have the ability to attend at a different time that day, please do so.
3 Rounds For Time:
50 Air Squats
35 Push-ups
25/18 Calorie Row