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The Battle Within!

Coach Michelle

5 days and counting until we have our annual "Battle Within" in-house competition!

For those that have not registered yet and are waiting for details to make your decision, here they are!

Registration Deadline - Wednesday, October 13th, 11:59 p.m.

Date - Saturday, October 16th

Doors Open - 7:00 a.m. - Come early and warm-up so you are ready for the start.

Start Time - 8:00 a.m. (1st heat begins at 8 a.m. sharp)

End Time - 12:00 p.m. (noon)

Cost - $10.00/participant

Spectators - Free


WOD's!! (may still be subject to change, but not much)



30 Toes to Bar 30 Hanging Knee Raises

30 Snatches 115/75 30 Snatches (scaled)

20 Pull-ups 20 Hand Release Push-Ups

20 Snatches 125/95 20 Snatches (scaled)

10 Bar Muscle Ups 10 Scaled Pull-Ups

10 Snatches 135/105 10 Snatches (scaled)

Time Cap: 10 mins

*Power or Squat Snatches

*Only one partner working at a time

*Can break up reps however team wants



Clean Ladder

(Power Clean or Squat Clean)


Men 165,175,185,195,205,225,235,245

Women 95,105,125,135,145,155,165,175

*Tiebreak = Total time


2 Rep Max Power Clean

Time Cap: 8 mins

* Partners must use same bar

* Partners may alternate at will



12 min AMRAP


100 Double Unders 100 Singles

20 Wallballs 30/20 20 Wallballs (Scaled)

20 Cal Row 20 Cal Row

20 DB Snatches 70/50 20 DB Snatches (Scaled)

*DB Snatches are alternating

*Only one partner working at a time

*Teams can break up reps however they want






Calorie Echo Bike Calorie Echo Bike

Burpee Box Jump Overs Burpee Box Step Overs

*8 min Time Cap

*Both partners are going at the same time

*P1 starts on Bike whilst P2 starts with Burpee Box Jump Overs

*Both partners must complete 21 reps of both movements before moving onto 15 and so forth. Must tag each other before moving on to the next movement.



Can my family/friends come and watch? Absolutely! Please bring them to cheer you on!

Can I choose my partner? Maybe:) We will be assigning teammates (M,M and F,F) teams. Our aim is to create a friendly, fun competition without the "super teams" that blow everyone out of the water. You may request a teammate up until registration time, but we reserve the final say on the final pairings

Will there be food/refreshments? Yes. There will be a smoothie booth, water and protein bars.

Can I bring something to share? Absolutely!

I'm new to Crossfit...should I participate? Definitely! We have a scaled division, and have intentionally left the weights off the descriptions. We will scale people according to the levels (weights/movements) they should participate at. The workouts will still be challenging, but they will also be fun for everyone.

Can I bring a friend from another gym to be teammates with? ....Soft "no". This is an in-house competition for several reasons. We don't want the usual pressure of competing with people we don't know, and this isn't about creating super-teams. We want the competition to be as level and fair as possible. For these reasons and others the answers are "yes" you can bring a friend to watch, but as far as participation, our members are the first priority. Please talk to Rob if circumstances are such that an allowance should be made.

Can I be teammates with Logan? Can I be teammates with Frances? Hard "no"

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