Stop debating...just do it! Get signed up!
It is nothing to fear; it is the same as a regular class WOD, but this time you get to do it with the whole CrossFit World, during our regular class times.
Each Friday for three weeks, starting next Friday the 17th, the class WOD will be the workout announced by CrossFit HQ.
We will have "Friday Night Lights" each Friday evening, inviting all that want to do their workout during that time to come in and get it done.
We will encourage you to come during the evening classes, to hang out and have fun with everyone; We understand if you can't make it, but we'd love to have you there.
-What is the OPEN?
It is the beginning of the worldwide CrossFit competition season. A workout is announced to the world every week for three weeks. Over 250,000 people participate in each of these workouts and record their scores online. By doing this, they can find out where they stand with all of the CrossFitters that participate. Those that end up in the top 10% in their category have the opportunity to move on to more competition in CrossFit's attempt to find the Fittest on Earth.
It is one of events each year that we at Elevated CrossFit look forward to as a CrossFit Box. Our community gets together to rally around each other, cheer each other on and test our fitness.
-Do I have to sign up?
No, you don't have to sign up, but I highly encourage it. It costs $20, and you get a $25 Gift Code from NoBull for doing it. Your scores will be recorded with CrossFit and will create a form of measuring stick for you to compare yourself to in the years to come. If you sign up, it also gives a sense of buy-in so you are helped just a bit more with the motivation to come and work out for the day.
-Can't I just come to the class and do the workout?
Yes, but again, it is worth it to have your scores recorded for the future.
-What if I miss a WOD?
If you do, you do. It's not a huge deal, but we will do all we can to help you get the workout done in the window you have to complete it in. See the next Q for the window info.
-Is Friday the only day I can do the workout?
No, you have from the time the workout is announced on Thursday at noon until the following Monday at noon to get the workout done and recorded. We will work with you if you need to do it at another time/date other than the Friday.
-What if I will be out of town during one of the workout windows?
There are CrossFit affliates all over the world. They will let you come in and will assist you in getting the workout done, just give them a call/email to arrange the details. I've done this at other CrossFit's and we've had athletes from other CrossFit's come here and do it with us. Easy.
-I'm new and I don't think I am ready; I don't know all the movements. Why should I do it?
Every workout has multiple versions. Just like classes, you can scale to a version of the WOD that will challenge you, but will still let you do the movements. From the beginner to the expert, there will be a version for you to do. You won't regret doing the Open, but you will regret not doing it. (sidenote- the first 2 years I did CrossFit, I didn't sign up for it...didn't want to pay to do a workout I was going to do anyway. Now I regret not signing up. I don't have those records to look back on and see how much I've improved.)
-How does it work?
Classes operate a bit differently on those Fridays. You can come at your regular times, or other times. Typically, you will warm up on your own, or do a warm-up that is on the board. Each class will have multiple heats of the workout, so while an athlete is doing it, there is someone observing to assist with counting reps and making sure the movement standards are being met. If you can, we would love to have your help in that process when you are not working out.
Once you complete your WOD, you will go to your login page at and enter your score. That's it...simple. Then you can check out your placing on the worldwide leaderboard., get signed up!