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Open Reporting

Coach Michelle

Welcome to the Open! Some have already gone through the 1st WOD, and done magnificently btw. Now what?

  1. Login to your crossfit account either on the app or through the regular website where you signed up. Click on the "workouts" tab at the top of the page if on a computer or on the "workouts" symbol at the bottom of the page if on the app. Then click on the "submit score" button and get it done. If you can't find the judges name of whomever judged you, you will mark whoever was in charge or running the workout when you did it. If you can't find that, you can mark either Rob or Frances.

  2. Report your extra point work to your team captain....their name is in red on the website and on the board at the gym. Instead of reporting to them, you can report directly on the team board at the gym. There are columns in which you can place a checkmark if you did the extra work.

This week (week 1) you had two opportunities to earn extra points. The first was to get 7+ hours of sleep per day/night (naps count towards sleep time!) The second was to participate in at least 3 class WOD's prior to the Open WOD this week.

So, make sure to put let your captain know, or put a check on the board in the correct column indicating that you did the extra point work.

3. Last, if you missed the WOD or can't make it when we normally hold them, please let us know. We will try to accommodate you! This might mean coming in and doing it at hours other than our regular hours....we will try to make it happen! So, communicate with us so we can get you in!

That's all! See you soon!

-Coach Rob

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