6:30 a.m. - OPEN GYM or Comp Class
Make-up a WOD you missed, work on skills or join in the Competitors training WOD
8:00 a.m. - Regular WOD
Regular WOD - description below
9:00 a.m. - Adventure WOD
Come to Tibble Fork Resevoir up American Fork Canyon for a WOD with optional swimming, some trail running and more! Meet at the gym at 9:00, leaving at 9:05...or you can meet us up
"TURTLE CLUB" 21 Overhead Squats, 200m Run 21 Thrusters, 200m Run 15 Overhead Squats, 200m Run 15 Thrusters, 200m Run 9 Overhead Squats, 200m Run 9 Thrusters, 200m Run
Rx - 95/65