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  • Writer's pictureCoach Rob

WOD for 180206

In case you haven’t noticed, over the past few weeks, we have largely been working on our engines...teaching our bodies how to work under light to moderate loads over periods of time...generally increasing our cardio-vascular endurance.  

Sometimes, the gains from this are not noticeable until we repeat a workout that we have recorded at some previous date.  

So, even though we’ve stressed it before, I’m stressing it again now; today is a great day to start keeping track of your workouts.  There are a ton of apps, CrossFit specific even, that help to do this.  One of my favorite, the one I use, is myWOD.  There are a bunch of other good ones.  So, get online and choose one. Then keep track of your WODs and your Personal Bests in your lifts. 

You will then be able to go back and compare and see what amazing progress you’ve made.  

By the way, I see and notice your progress....and though I don’t give you all enough props, you are amazing and it is exciting to see you getting better, stronger and faster!  

Now, go get signed up for the open and we’ll see you at the Box! 


For Time: 50/35 Calorie Row 40 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 30 Push Presses (115/80) 40 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 50/35 Calorie Row 

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