200m Run
30 Wall Ball V-Ups (20/14)
200m Run
20 Power Cleans (115/80)
200m Run
10 Wall Walks
200m Run
20 Power Cleans (115/80)
200m Run
30 Wall Ball V-Ups (20/14)
200m Run
4 sets x 3 reps of Weighted Strict Pull Ups
[Go up in weight each round]
-rest at least 90 seconds between sets (one partner works while the other completes a set)
Scale 1
4 sets x Max Effort Unbroken Strict Pull Ups OR Box Assist Pull Ups
-rest at least 90 seconds between sets- (one partner works while the other completes a set)
Scale 2
4 sets x 4 reps of Box Assist Pull Ups or Ring Rows
-rest at least 90 seconds between sets- (one partner works while the other completes a set)