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WOD for Thursday 230907

Coach Michelle


3 - 8 min AMRAPS W/ 2:00 rest between

AMRAP 8 Minutes

100-200-300-400m Run (OR 10-20-30-40 Calories on any machine) (OR 50-10-150-200 Single Unders) (OR 5-10-15-20 Shuttle Runs)

10-20-30-40 Lunges

5-10-15-20 Burpees

*After the 400m Run, 40 Lunges, and 20 Burpees, you will start back with 100m, 10 Lunges, and 5 burpees. Going through that sequence as many times as possible.

*Begin each 8 min AMRAP where the previous AMRAP ended.



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