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Writer's pictureCoach Rob

WOD for Monday 240623


4 Rounds

100 Double Unders

20 Toes to bar

10 Back Squats (185/125)

* Back Squats are from the ground

Strength -Front Squats with Rope Climbs

:10 Barbell Front Rack Hold + 3 Front Squats + :20 Barbell Front Rack Hold @ 60% 1RM Front Squat

:10 Barbell Front Rack Hold + 3 Front Squats + :20 Barbell Front Rack Hold @ 65% 1RM Front Squat

:10 Barbell Front Rack Hold + 3 Front Squats + :20 Barbell Front Rack Hold @ 70% 1RM Front Squat

:10 Barbell Front Rack Hold + 3 Front Squats + :20 Barbell Front Rack Hold @ 75% 1RM Front Squat

:10 Barbell Front Rack Hold + 3 Front Squats + :20 Barbell Front Rack Hold @ 75+% 1RM Front Squat

Level 1: Zombie Rope Climbs or Pull-up Rope Climbs

Level 2: Standard Rope Climbs

Level 3: Legless Rope Climbs

Perform the following between sets of squats: 1-3 rope climb practice. This is all about practice to prepare for Wednesday, so try different foot wraps, practice jumping up to grab the rope, etc. The goal is to improve efficiency, not to do as many reps as possible.

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