Due to conflicts, we are rescheduling our in-house 'The Battle Within' competition to December 2nd, 2023 from 8 a.m. - noon.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Here are some details:
As in the past few years, this competition will be a friendly 2-person team competition. Teams will be matched to promote a competition that is as even as possible. We will be making and announcing those pairings early/mid November.
We will consider requests for team pairings, but will make no promises of honoring those requests. We will be doing our best to create no "super-teams".
We expect to have two divisions, Rx and Scaled. Workouts will be programmed so everyone in the Scaled division can complete a form of any movement and weight called for.
WOD's will be announced by the time the pairings come out.
There will be additional mini-WOD's that can be participated in on an individual basis. These will be short, single movement exercises. For example we could program a 2 minute AMRAP of Box Step-ups, or Max unbroken single-unders, etc. These can be participated in either additionally to the regular WOD's or by themselves. These will also be announced on or before the time team pairings come out.
We like to give prizes! So there will be awards given.
Participation will cost $10/individual ($20/team).
Sign-ups will be available at the beginning of November.
You are encouraged to invite your friends and family to come and watch and/or participate.
More to come!