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WOD for Thursday Turkey Day 191128

Coach Rob

The following WOD may be completed in teams of 2 or individually. Movements may be completed in any order, but may not be partitioned; both teammates must work on the same movement together and may work at the same time. An entire movement must be completed before either teammate moves on.

DRY TURKEY - 40 minute time cap

2000 M Row

300 Russian Twists (25/15)

250 Double Unders (500 Singles)

200 Lateral Bar Hops (Loaded Barbell)

200 Wall Balls (20/16)100 Ring dips

150 KB Swings

150 Strict Press (from floor) (45/35)

100 Push-Ups

100 Pull-Ups

80 Toes-To-Bar

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