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Writer's pictureCoach Rob

WOD for Tuesday 180424

“That which we persist in doing becomes easier to do, not that the nature of the thing has changed, but our power to do so is increased.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Apparently, Ralph, or Waldo or whatever Mr. Emerson went by, never tried his theory out on burpees, because they are still horrible. 

Traffic Jam

Part #1 In a 5:00 Window: 600 Meter Run Time Remaining, AMRAP: 12 Hang Power Snatch (95/65)

12 Barbell-Facing Burpees

Rest 5:00

Part #2 In a 5:00 Window: 400 Meter Run Time Remaining, AMRAP: 9 Hang Power Snatch (115/80)

9 Barbell-Facing Burpees

Rest 5:00

Part #3 In a 5:00 Window: 200 Meter Run Time Remaining, AMRAP: 6 Hang Power Snatch (135/95)

 6 Barbell-Facing Burpees 

Strength - HSPU / Strict Press Work

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