Burn then Turn
Row 250 meters
Immediately into AMRAP
Unbroken Double Unders or Singles (2 attempts)
Rest 2:00
Row 500 meters
Immediately into AMRAP Unbroken Double Unders or Singles (2 attempts)
Rest 3:00
Row 250 meters Immediately into AMRAP Unbroken Double Unders or Singles (2 attempts) Rest 2:00
Row 500 meters Immediately into AMRAP Unbroken Double Unders or Singles (2 attempts)
4 scores - highest unbroken # of DU’s per round out of the two attempts
Today we are working to develop our ability to continue a precision movement under strain. Pay careful attention to breathing and to maintaining relaxed shoulders during our jumping rope.

L-R James, Brett and Trent representing our Elevated CrossFit team while making their way through the first pool of Spartan water at this years Las Vegas Spartan!