Partner Workout - both working at the same time
3 Rounds through the following:
AMRAP 3 Minutes
500/400m Row
Max Toes to Bar
-rest 1 Minute-
AMRAP 3 Minutes
28/22 Calorie Echo Bike
Max Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20)
-rest 1 Minute-
AMRAP 3 Minutes
500/400m Row
Max Air Squat
-rest 1 Minute-
AMRAP 3 Minutes
1000/800m Echo Bike
Max Burpee Pull Up
-rest 1 Minute-
-no additional rest b/t rounds-
Both partners will work on a different part of the couplet until the partner on the machine is done with theirs. They will then switch roles and continue. Score will be total reps of the non-machine movements.