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Writer's pictureCoach Rob

WOD for Saturday 230617

8:30 a.m. Class ULTRA SUNRISE

Teams of 2

3 rounds

20 cal row

4 rope climbs (16 Ring Rows)

20 deadlifts 185/125

-rest 3 mins-

3 rounds

200m run together with 1 WB per pair 20/14

20 Toes-to-Rings

6 clean and jerks 135/85

-rest 3 mins-

3 rounds

200ft double KB farmer carry (53/35)

40 push-ups

30 double unders each. (45 singles each)

MUST BE UNBROKEN (maximum 2 attempts if tripped up after 10 reps)

6:30 a.m. COMP CLASS


Teams of 2

5 rounds

  30 cal row

  4 rope climbs (2 legless attempts)

  20 deadlifts 225/155

-rest 3 mins-

5 rounds

  200m run together with 1 WB per pair 30/20

  4 Ring/Bar complex (1 toe to ring, 1 ring muscle up, 1 ring dip)

  6 clean and jerks 185/135

-rest 3 mins-

5 rounds

  200ft double KB farmer carry (70/53)

  40 push-ups

  30 double unders each. MUST BE UNBROKEN (maximum 2 attempts if tripped up after 10 reps)

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