So it begins...the OPEN is 3-1/2 weeks away. In case you don't already know, we will be holding a "Friday Night Lights" Open WOD every Friday for the three weeks it lasts. The Open starts Thursady, March 11th. Friday's WOD for each week will be the Open WOD announced the night before.
So...get signed up! We will be posting polaroid pictures on the half-wall whiteboard of everyone that signs up.
In the meantime, over the next couple of weeks we will be hammering skills in an effort to hone them for the Open. This is a great time to learn or get better at so many of those skills that pop up in the Open and in our everyday classes. We are starting from scratch in an effort to learn/relearn the most efficient movement patterns and to get as good as possible at them.
Here we go...
15 min AMRAP
21 Wallballs 20/14
18 Single DB Alt Power Snatches 50/35
15 Toes-to-Bar
12 Box Jump Overs 24/20