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Writer's pictureCoach Rob

The Battle Within WOD's!

Here are the Workouts for our In-house competition....As always, we reserve the right to make changes:


5 Rounds

15 Pull-ups / Jumping Pullups

50ft Single DB Overhead lunge 50/35 20/10

15 T2B / AbMat Sit-ups

*Non-working partner is rowing for max distance

**Athletes may switch at any time but the tag must happen at the rower

***2 Scores: Total time 5 rounds is completed or total reps at cap

Total distance on rower


8 minutes to set a max lift

Max Clean

Max Snatch

*One athlete will complete one of the lifts and the other will complete the other.

**Score is total max lift combined



Max Wallballs 30/20 14/10

Max Bike Cals

*Score is total wall balls and calories completed

**Athletes may switch at any time but tag must happen at the bike


There will be several additional opportunities to compete. These will be small challenges open to both those that are not competing in the regular competition and to those that are. These are not fully decided yet but possibilities range from:

Max unbroken double unders

Max unbroken single unders

Max unbroken Bar muscle-ups

Max Pull-ups

Max Distance Handstand Walk (unbroken)

Handstand hold for time

Bar Hang for time

Max air squats in 2 min

Max pistols in 2 min


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