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  • Writer's pictureCoach Rob

ORDER YOURS TODAY!! T-shirts and Hoodies Order

SHIRTS - $17.75/e

Zip-up Hoodie - $57.00/e

Pull-over Hoodie - $50.00/e

There are two order form lists at Elevated. Get on one of them with your order.

DEADLINE - September 2nd

We will be putting together an order of t-shirts and hoodies like what you see above. The stripes on the flag are made up of the names of the hero WOD's.

There are two hoodie samples at the gym that you can choose from, one is a pullover hoodie and the other is a zip-up. If you'd like to be part of that order, take a look at the hoodies to figure out what you'd like.

This will be all pre-ordered,...we will likely only order a few spares. So, we will have you figure out what you want and have you pre-pay.

Compliments to Coach Michelle for coming up with the incredible design.

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