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Writer's pictureCoach Rob

OPEN housekeeping items...

Nothing exciting, but some details you need to know...

The WOD each Friday for the next three weeks will be the Open WOD that CrossFit announces each Thursday.

Classes will run a bit different during this time. You are free to come any time during our regular class hours to do the WOD. When you come, check in with the coaches and let them know when you would like to do your WOD. Make sure you come early enough so you can get properly warmed up and ready to go. The warm-up will be self-directed and suggestions for your warm-up will be on the whiteboard.

Once you check in, we will get you placed into a heat and you will go once we are ready for your heat.

Please keep in mind our hours are 5-8 a.m. and 4:30-6:30 p.m. on Fridays. Try to avoid showing up 1/2 hour before we are supposed to close as we may be jammed up trying to fit everyone in before that time and the heats might be full.

We would also request that you come with the expectation that you may be asked to judge someone during their WOD. We will go over what this entails (it is easy), and provide you with what you need to do it.

You have from the time of the announcement each Thursday at noon until the following Monday at 5:00 pm to get the WOD completed and reported online. You may repeat each weeks WOD as many times as you wish during this period and report the best verified score. If you miss that Monday deadline, your score will be recorded as a 0.

Scores must be validated by a certified judge and then validated by our affiliate manager. Judging will be done in-house at Elevated. A WOD done in your garage or at VASA that is not judged by a certified judge will not be validated by our affiliate manager and will thus be recorded and counted as a 0.

If you cannot complete one of the WOD's during our Friday class times, please talk with Rob to figure out when we can accommodate you. If you will be out of town you may contact a CrossFit affiliate wherever you will be. Most are happy to help you do the Open with them when their classes are doing it.

The other option is to video your workout done elsewhere and send it in to be judged. If you need to do this, please refer to the CrossFit website to get the details about how to properly record and submit your video(s).

If you have any questions please reach out and any of the coaches will be happy to answer them!

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