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JUST MEATS! Free Sample Info

Coach Michelle

Just Meats, a Utah based company that sells pre-cooked/packaged meats has offered Elevated CrossFit members the opportunity to sample their goods.

If you would like to receive a sample of their meat, simply write your name and phone number on the white-board as you walk in the gym.

If you won't be there between now and Wednesday night, simply shoot me a text with "just meats" in it.


I've sampled their products and they are simple and delicious. Can't go wrong with pure protein!

You can check out their website at:

If you used the code Elevate15 you'll get $15 off your first order.

Currently they are offering 25% off your first order, and I'm told these two discounts can be stacked.

So, make sure you sign the whiteboard or shoot me a text!

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