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  • Writer's pictureCoach Rob

It's Just What I Do

Updated: Jun 5, 2020

I am re-posting from a few months ago below. If you haven't done so already, read it now. We've seen so many great changes and progress, let's hold onto our gains and move forward with mmmphhh. (mmmphh = gusto, conviction, might, power, confidence, action, etc).

We are the sum of our actions, and therefore our habits make all the difference. – Aristotle

It’s Just What I Do

I was asked once how I manage to get up so early every morning. Without much thought I replied simply, “It’s just what I do.” I went on to explain that it is easy to get up early because my mind is already made up. When the alarm goes off, there is no choice. There is no staring at the ceiling trying to decide if I am going to skip the workout or put it off until later. I just get out of bed and do what I do.

Far too often, we let things get, or even place things, in our way. We come up with excuses, that can seem very legitimate and important, and let them overrule our former resolve.

What are the excuses? We’ve all heard them or made them at one point or another. … I am tired. My knee hurts. I have a game tonight. It’s too cold. It’s too hot. The class is too small. The class is too big. I do not like the workout, etc.…There are pages of excuses.

Now is the time to decide who is in charge of you. Who, or what, is in control? Whose choice is that? At what point did we relinquish our control to something else? When did our internal dialogue go from “I have made a firm resolve to ____” to “I’d rather watch tv” or “I’d rather play games” or “I’d rather sleep”?

What do we really want? What are we willing to sacrifice? Down deep, what is it that we desire? Are we so committed to that desire that we will not let anything get in its way? How do we get our daily actions and habits to line up with our personal vision?

The decision must be a non-factor. It must be made in advance. It must take precedence over whim. We must draw a line, step over it and refuse to go back. Better yet, build a wall where the line was and make it impossible to go back. Burn that bridge.

Life happens. Things come up. Schedules conflict. Cars break down. Family commitments arise. Etc.

The best we can do is carve out time in our day and plan around it like we plan around our sleep or our work. Those things are non-negotiable 98% of the time. We make them the highest of priorities because they are necessary for our continued health and welfare.

Your workouts are also necessary for your continued health and welfare. So, find a time that is unlikely to be compromised by whatever possible distractions may arise, and make it non-negotiable. That is time you are taking to ensure your quality of life is as good as possible for the rest of your life. Once it is established, stick to it.

Then, when the rare instance arises that justifiably takes priority, take care of it….and get back on track immediately. It was not a screw-up. You did not fall off the wagon. You did not fail…you took care of life. Just let that be the rare exception.

You are powerful. You are the master of you. The control is yours. Make the decision and stick to it. Build a wall that makes going back on your decision impossible. Develop the habit and make it serve you. Be obstinate in the face of distraction. You are creating the best you; a more powerful, healthier, stronger, happier you. The choice has been made and has become Just What You Do.

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