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WOD for Tuesday 190723

Coach Michelle


For Time, with a 9:00 Time Cap: 50 Power Cleans On the Minute - 5 Toes to Bar Barbell - 155/105 lb 

The workout starts with 5 Toes to Bar. In the time remaining inside the minute, athletes work towards the 50 power clean total. At the turn of the minute, we return for 5 more Toes to Bar, cycling through this process until we either reach the 50 rep total, or the 9:00 time cap. 


5 Sets of the Complex: 1 Hang Clean Pull 1 Hang Power Clean 1 Clean Pull 1 Power Clean Set #1 - 60% of 1RM Power Clean Set #2 - 64% of 1RM Power Clean Sets #3+4+5 - 68% of 1RM Power Clean 

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