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  • Writer's pictureCoach Rob

WOD for Tuesday 190716

First things first...there are still volunteer spots open for the Southwest Championships that will be held just down the road at UVU...and Elevated CrossFit American Fork has two teams that will be competing at the two day CrossFit competition!  ...and volunteers get a ton a swag!! Including the new Reebok Nano 9!  Ask a coach if you want more information!

Row Row Row Your Boat! 


Handstand Push-ups 

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WOD for Thursday 240418

"I LIKE TO MOVE IT, MOVE IT" 8 sets (each/1:1) 50 Double Unders 1 Rope Climb (Or 5 Strict Pull Ups) 5 Overhead Squats (155/105) **rest 1:00 min between sets Strength Every 2:00 (5 sets) 5 Snatch Push

WOD for Wednesday 240417

KING JULIAN 5-4-3-2-1 minute Max Distance Run/Bike/Row -Rest 1:00 Between sets- Strength Advanced: EMOM8: Ring Muscle Ups * Choose a number (1-5) based on your level that is a repeatable, unbroken set

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