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WOD for Tuesday 190325

Coach Michelle

Aaaahhh!  Relief!  Congratulations and great job! You’ve made it through the Open!  I hope you have learned something about yourself; learned that you have grit and determination; that you can do hard things; that you are stronger than you thought you were; learned that the hard work you are putting in is paying off!  

I hope you’ve uncovered some weaknesses.  I sure have.  Weaknesses can be disappointing, though they shouldn’t is time to find them refreshing.  

We have so much to work on. We can be so much better, so much stronger, mentally and physically.  

There is a lot to do, so let’s go after it with intent, determination and fortitude!


25-20-15-10-5: Power Snatches (75/55) Toes to Bar Barbell-Facing Burpees 



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